Whereas it is expedient to establish an association of teachers in the University and in the colleges affiliated to Nagpur University, with a view to promoting solidarity, efficiency and welfare and to improving and safeguarding their interest, We the University teachers assembled this day, the 17th March 1963, do hereby give to ourselves this constitution.
Name :- The Association shall be called “The Nagpur University Teachers’ Association” which hereinafter shall be referred to as the Association.
AIMS AND OBJECTS of the Association shall be :-
a) to promote corporate feeling amongst members of University teaching profession.
- b) to secure for them fair conditions of life and work, better emoluments and other rights and privileges as University and College teachers.
- c) to establish contacts with educational organisations with similar aims.
- d) to promote higher education and research.
- e) to arrange for travel and study tours within the country and abroad.
to do all such things as are incidental and necessary in securing for the University and College teachers their proper place in the new social order and in general to increase the usefulness and advance in standards, ideals and welfare of the profession.
Membership of the Association shall be open to the teachers including the Junior College Teach-
ers P. E. T’ s and Librarians in the Colleges and in the institutions maintained by Nagpur and
Amravati University and in the Colleges affiliated to Nagpur and Amravati University provided
they agree to abide by regulations and bye laws of the Association in force. Life Membership Fee
shall be Rs. 151/-. Such member shall be entitled to attend and vote at the meetings of the
General Body.
Provided that the Life Membership Fee may be increased at any time by a resolution passed by the General Body.
Provided further that hereinafter such amount collected towards the Life Membership fee shall be kept in long term fixed deposits and such an amount shall not be used for any expenditure without the prior approval of the General Body with a resolution passed by a majority of not less than two thirds of the members present and voting in such a meeting. Such decision shall not be taken in an emergent meeting of the General Body.
However, the interest accruing from these deposits may be used for regular expenditure of the Association.
Organs of the Association shall be :-
- a) General Body, consisting of all the members of the Association.
- b) Executive Committee, consisting of the office-bearers of the Association (Viz. President, Two Vice Presidents out of which one shall be from the Nagpur University area and one shall be from Amravati University area. Secretary, Two Joint Secretaries out of which one shall be from the Nagpur University area and one shall be from Amravati University area and Treasurer,) five mem-bers to be elected by the General Body and two members to be co-opted by the Executive committee.
- Provided firstly that after the composition of the Executive Committee as aforesaid, if any district remains unrepresented that district shall be represented by the President of that district unit of NUTA, who shall be Ex-officio member of the Executive Committee.
- Provided secondly that the Editor and the Publisher of the NUTA Bulletin shall be the Ex-Officio members of the Executive Committee. Both shall be appointed by the Executive Committee by resolution and shall work during the pleasure of the Executive Committee.”
- Provided thirdly that No superannuated member shall be eligible to contest as an office bearer or as a executive committee member.
- Explanation :- For the purposes of this proviso superannuated member means a member who has attained the age of super annuation as a teacher, as prescribed by legislation or subordinate legislation.
- Provided fourthly that, Notwithstanding any thing in this constitution, A person, who has served as a office bearer of the organization and is a member or an Ex-member of the Legislative Council of Maharashtra either from the teachers or Graduates constituency, shall be an Ex-officio (non-voting) member of the Executive Committee.
- Provided fifthly that, One member shall be co-opted by the Executive Committee from amongst the super annuated members.”
- c) Committees : The Executive committee may appoint committees as and when necessary.
- d) District-Unit : Association shall have such number of district units as may be prescribed by the bye laws. Functioning of district units and their relationship with the Association shall be regulated by the bye-laws of the Association.
- e) College Unit of the Association : Each college affiliated to the Nagpur and Amravati Univer-
sity shall have a college Unit of the Association. Composition and functioning of the College Unit
and its relationship with other organs of the Association shall be regulated by the bye-laws. - f) The term of office of the Executive Committee shall be five years.
a) Elections : Office bearers of the association and the members of the executive committee shall be elected by the General Body from amongst its members.
b) Casual Vacancy : Vacancies on the Executive Committee shall be filled up by the Executive Committee by Co-option from among the members of the Association. Such co-opted member shall hold office till the next annual General Body meeting.
c) Local Branches of the Association :- Members of the Association in a town outside Nagpur may form a local Branch of the Association.
Organisation of the Local Branch and its relation with the Head Office shall be governed by the bye-laws of the Association in this respect.
d) Local Organisation :- Teacher Organisation in Colleges in the jurisdiction of Nagpur and Amravati University may be affiliated to the Association. Relationship between those organisa-tions and the Association shall be regulated by the bye-laws of the Association in this respect.
e) Disqualification of Membership :- If a member of the Executive Committee or any of the Committees or an office bearer of the Association is, without permission of the President, absent for three consecutive meetings of the respective Committees, he shall cease to hold office in that committee.
- f) A member of the Executive Committee or of any of the committees or an office bearer shall be deemed to have vacated his office before the expiry of his normal term if-
- i) he ceases to be a member of the Association
- ii) he resigns by notice in writing and the resignation is accepted by the Executive Committee.
- g) Quorum :
- i) For the General Body meeting quorum shall be one tenth of the total membership of the Asso If there is no quorum, the meeting shall be adjourned for half an hour. No quorum shall be necessary for adjourned meeting.
- ii) For the Executive Committee it shall be five of whom at least one must be other than the office
- iii) For the Standing Committee, it shall be five.
- viii) Take up any other matter for consideration pertaining to the aims and objects of the Associa-
tion. - vii) prepare Regulations and Bye-laws for the working of the association subject to the approval of the General Body.
- vi) Recommend to the General Body, affiliation of the Association to wider educational associa-
tions, and affiliation of the local organisations of teachers in colleges in the University to the - v) consider the reports submitted to it by the committees and take such action as it deems neces-
- a) The General body shall :-
- i) Hold two meetings every year, one in the first term and the other in the last term of the academic session; the latter shall be the annual meeting.
- An emergent meeting of the General Body may be called by the President upon requisition in writing either by the Executive Committee or by one fourth of the membership of the Association.
- ii) Elect office bearers and members of the Executive Committee and members of the Committee
- iii) Sanction budget for the ensuing session.
- iv) Consider and adopt the accounts and reports submitted to it by the Executive Committee.
- v) Take up any other matter for its consideration pertaining to the aims and objects of the Associa-
- b) The Executive Committee shall :-
- i) Ordinarily meet once a month.
- ii) Prepare annual account and budget and place them before the General Body. The Financial year will be from April to March.
- iii) Prepare Annual report on the working of the Association and place it before the General Body. iv) Transact the business entrusted to it by the General Body.
- c) The Standing Committees shall :-
- i) Conduct such business as may be referred to them by the Executive Committee.
- ii) Prepare and submit reports on their working to the Executive Committee.
- iii) Organise in consultation with the Secretary of the Association activities pertaining to the spheres. Complaints regarding service conditions and similar matters shall be looked in to by the committee of reference.
The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of the Association. He shall be responsible for
maintaining the accounts of the Association. Long term fixed deposits, as mentioned in the Sec-
ond proviso of Article III, may be invested in fixed deposit Receipts of Nationalised Banks and the accounts shall be operated jointly by the Secretary and the Treasurer of the Association. The General Body shall appoint auditors annually in the Annual meeting of the Association.
Office of the Association shall be located at Nagpur and meetings shall be held at such places as decided by the Executive Committee.
Dissolution :- The association shall be dissolved only by the decision taken by two thirds of the
total membership of the Association. Such a decision shall be taken in a specially convened
meeting with at least one month’s notice. For such a meeting postal ballot will be allowed.
Amendment :- a) Proposal to amend the Constitution may come with fourteen clear days notice
either from the Executive Committee or from one fifth of the total membership of the Association;
- b) The Constitution shall stand amended if the proposal is approved by a majority of not less than two thirds of the members present and voting in its General Body Meeting.